Why Snakes Make A Good ESA?
Day by day the popularity of ESA’s is growing as they help people to deal with anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. Most of the ESA’s are domestic animals such as dogs, cats, and birds. They are well-tempered to act as the perfect companion.
Apart from this, there are some animals with a bad reputation but act as an excellent companion. And, the most popular amongst that category is snakes. Interestingly legally you don’t have to register it, but to get added benefits, it’s mandatory to have an ESA Letter. Snakes are fascinating, loyal, and lovely emotional support animals. Read on to find why you should consider getting an emotional support snake.
People generally consider snakes as a high-maintenance animal because they are an exotic animal. However, after some research one finds exactly what to do and not do, which is quite easy.
Snakes ownership is quite easy, and to get the benefits of all privileges and rights, one needs to have an ESA letter. Moreover, snakes keep themselves happy and are content once you water and feed them. They don’t take much of your time, which is required by other emotional support animals. That’s why they are called the low-maintenance emotional support animal.
There are many breeds of snakes with varying rates. You can buy it according to your space and budget. It’s advised to take an inexpensive breed for the first and after getting comfortable with it, you can switch to another one. After the first one, you will notice that they’re not pricey. Moreover, you don’t need to buy leads, grooming kits, or any other upkeep items, which saves a lot of money. If you want an ESA without burdening your wallet, snakes are a good option.
There’s a common argument that snakes are dangerous as an emotional support animal. It has been completely disapproved of and even if the non-venomous snakes bite you, they don’t poison you.
So you don’t need to worry about the snakes biting you. But the thing that you might be actually concerned about is hygiene. They carry Salmonella bacteria, which can be harmful to humans, so you should disinfect your friend after touching the slithery friend.
Don’t Occupy Much Space
People living in small homes or apartments, find snakes a perfect emotional support animal. They’re confined to their tanks, which doesn’t take up much room. However, ensure the tanks are big enough so that they can live comfortably and happily in it. Most of the snacks tanks are elevated, get a stand for them to go onto without any issue.
Many people want an ESA but are unable to keep them for their odor. For such people, snakes are the perfect odorless animals. They have smooth skin that does not have any smell. People with sensitive noses or chronic stomach illnesses will not be exacerbated after spending some time with an emotional support animal. And, to keep the smell of your place nice and fresh, clean the snake’s enclosure every second day to clear all the urine, faeces, and uneaten food.
If you’re looking for an emotional support snake, don’t be scared. Only the ones which are not poisonous are given an ESA letter. After some days you’ll be surprised to see how easy it is to care for this loyal friend of yours. Providing them with glass enclosures according to their size ensures they’re comfortable and maintains the correct temperature inside. Moreover, they’re quiet creatures, unlike dog or cat who keeps on jumping off from one place to another. And, they have to be fed once a week, which saves a lot of time and effort.