Here Are the Best Tips That Will Help Your Dog Lose Weight

My ESA Doctor
3 min readJun 24, 2021


We all want the best for our dogs and want them to stay healthy. There’s no doubt that these fur-pals are special to their human friends.

Dogs are loving, affectionate, extremely loyal, and can enhance the overall quality of your life. They can bring joy and happiness to anyone’s life. According to ESA doctors, dogs can even help a person with many emotional or mental health disorders, such as -

  • PTSD (post-traumatic disorder)
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • ADD (attention deficit disorder)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Learning disabilities
  • Intellectual disabilities

Also, did you know that just playing with a dog or petting a dog can help in lowering your stress levels? Well, there are just so many reasons to love dogs and want them to always stay healthy.

Now, if there’s one thing that you should be careful of if you have a dog is your dog’s weight. If your dog is gaining too much weight, you should immediately start working on things to ensure that your dog loses some extra pounds.

Overweight can cause a lot of health problems for your dog. Some of the biggest ones are arthritis, catastrophic kidney, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even some forms of cancer.

This is why it becomes very important for every dog owner to find ways to help their dog maintain a healthy dog.

If you are also looking for ways to help your dog lose some weight, we are here to help you. Let me tell you, you are not alone. There are a lot of people who want their pooches to lose some weight and stay healthy.

So, in this article, we are going to discuss some of the best tips that will help your dog lose those extra pounds. Having said that, let’s get into it.

Best Tips for Helping Your Dog Lose Weight

  • Protein over carbohydrates
  • It’s time to cut back on calories
  • Get familiar with the healthy weight of your dog
  • Ensure that your dog is active

Tip 1. Protein over carbohydrates

If you are looking to help your dog lose some extra pounds, here’s the first tip for you — start cutting down the carbs. If you want to keep your dog fit, you should maintain a good ratio of carbohydrates to fats and protein.

It is very important for you to give your dog more protein and cut down on carbohydrates. With a high-protein diet, your dog would not need too many carbohydrates.

Even ESA doctors suggest that a protein-rich diet can help dogs lose weight and it also satisfies the appetite of dogs. That is why it is better to try a diet that is high in protein and low in carbs and fats.

Tip 2. It’s time to cut back on calories

Well, almost everyone knows this, if you want to lose some weight, you have to burn calories. And the same goes for your doggo.

While you are starting to work on the diet of your dog, you also have to make sure that your dog is burning calories. You must work on reducing the calorie intake of your dog.

This means you have to make some changes in his diet and exercise schedule. Don’t give in to the adorable puppy eyes your dog gives when you do not give him extra treats. I know it is difficult but that’s what you have to do.

Tip 3. Get familiar with the healthy weight of your dog

Here’s one thing that you need to keep in mind, every dog breed is different from each other. This is why you should understand the healthy weight range of your dog’s breed.

By understanding this range, you can tell whether your dog is beyond that range or not. And if your dog is, you must consult your vet.

Tip 4. Ensure that your dog is active

It is extremely important for you to keep your dog active. Exercise is crucial for everyone, both humans and dogs. So, if you think that your dog is gaining too much weight, one of the reasons for it could be a lack of exercise.

But before you push your dog to do exercise, you must understand how much exercise your dog can do. So, get familiar with your dog’s breed and how much exercise is required for that breed.



My ESA Doctor
My ESA Doctor

Written by My ESA Doctor

My ESA Doctor is one of the leading online portals which is providing valid emotional support animal letters. Visit Now:

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