4 Things You Must Know If You Have an Emotional Support Animal
Emotional Support Animal is the phenomenal way of treating your mental ailments like stress, anxiety, depression, and others. I am sure you know that! They are officially prescribed to you by ESA Doctors. But as you become an ESA owner, it comes with its own rules and responsibilities. The two major aspects where you need to take care: the place where you stay and when you travel. It’s not a daunting task to have ESA responsibly.
Do you have an Emotional Support Animal for yourself? Then there are a few things you must know!
Keep Emotional Support Animal Letter
An ESA is prescribed to you by medical professionals like therapists or counselors. This letter is crucial for you to permit your ESA in residence and travel. Any licensed medical professional can prescribe you the letter. It is a simple document that allows you to take your emotional support animal anywhere possible. It is important for you to keep ESA Letter all times with you. When you need to get accommodation, you need to show this letter as evidence that you need the animal to deal with your mental health issues. This letter is like your passport to have access to go to places you want.
Keep your ESA in Line
If you want to take ESA to all favorite places or travel with them, you’ve got to have them in their best behavior. Since these animals will be in close contact with people in your residential or workspace. You’d want your pets to be on their best behavior! If your pet acts up, becomes rowdy and annoying to your nearby people, then you will fall in trouble. Nobody will allow you to carry your pets anywhere! You don’t have to train them professionally but just keep them in line to not act up in public places. As owners, it is your responsibility to maintain decorum with them.
Remember to Inform About Your ESA in Advance
When you have booked a plane ticket for yourself and your ESA, I advise you to inform the airlines. Give them a notice 48 hours before your scheduled flight. It’s not only for your flights but probably for any journey where your ESA accompanies you. ESAs are a new form of treatment for people suffering from mental health issues. They can help you handle a stressful situation while you travel. So, it will be best if you inform your concerned airlines nice and early along with your Emotional Support Animal Letter.
Always Love them Back
ESA are animals prescribed to treat your stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other related disorders. But there’s a catch here! They are not merely your support animals. They need the same affection and love that your normal pets. Do not take them for granted! Indulge them into a discipline and a regimen to keep them physically and morally. Keep them active. Share as much love and companionship as they provide to you. After all, they are your moral support system to carry out your daily routine.